The Cost of Healthcare’s Failure to Deliver Access to Eating Disorder Healing
Insurance is failing millions of Americans, especially those with eating disorders. Alexa Grayson, Insurance Navigation Program Manager at Project HEAL shares in detail the barriers and insurance obstacles individuals encounter when seeking eating disorder treatment and how insurance fails to help people heal from their eating disorders.
Becoming Who I Needed: Healing Through Storytelling
John Rossi knows the power of both finding and creating a safe mental health community firsthand. Now, well into eating disorder recovery and having found other like-minded musicians, John’s band "Ivy League" travels the country partnering with local mental health organizations to uplift their resources to concertgoers.
Self-Care is Not a Commodity
Self-care, a deeply personal practice that is different for everyone, is an important part of mental and physical wellness. It is also a practice that wellness and lifestyle businesses have learned to co-opt in order to make more money.
What If I Honestly Loved Her?
After 35 years of being controlled by an eating disorder, Jessica has finally found and learned to love herself.
Can’t Hurt Me Anymore
Therapist and Project HEAL Board Member, Wednesdae Reim Ifrach, wasn’t always brave. But at 22, while knee-deep in their eating disorder and newly wading into the world of scary movies, Wednesdae discovered the movie Halloween. In it, they saw the relationship between their eating disorder and themself depicted clearly for the first time.
10 Ways Weight Stigma Made Me Wait
In recognition of Weight Stigma Awareness Week, Project HEAL Clinical Assessment Program Manager Stephanie Alberts speaks to the “wait” of weight stigma.
Culturally Sensitive Treatment Approaches: Addressing the Unique Needs of Muslim Individuals with Eating Disorders
Eurocentric approaches to eating disorder treatment marginalize and exclude sufferers of differing identities. Maryam shares how the lack of cultural competency at her treatment center created an additional barrier to healing.
Smiling in the Dark: You're Not Alone If You've Struggled with Suicidal Thoughts
Suicidal thoughts and her eating disorder caused Ayanna to push away her family and high school friends. Only after someone finally noticed that she wasn’t okay and checked in with her did she seek out help and begin to heal.
Talk Saves Lives™: If You Do Anything this World Suicide Prevention Day, Learn the Suicide Warning Signs and How to Have a Conversation with Someone You’re Worried About
Suicide is a topic that hides in the shadows. All too often it goes unaddressed, even when we may sense someone is struggling. In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day, Tara Criscuolo shares the warning signs of suicide and tips for how to have a conversation with someone you’re concerned about.
Never Anorexic: I Am Not My Eating Disorder
Many people find themselves developing an emotional attachment to their eating disorder and inadvertently begin to consider it as a large part of their identity. Eve shares how learning to separate herself from her eating disorder helped her heal.
Cultivating Resilience: Strategies for Nurturing Mental Well-Being in Times of Change and Uncertainty
When Shauna began her disordered eating healing journey, she found an untapped inner well of resilience. Now on the other side, she shares tips for finding and nurturing your own resilience.
A String of Pearls: The End of a Cycle
Harmful cultural ideas of beauty were passed down in Marie Friend’s family through countless generations of women. But she chose to break the cycle and has learned to accept her body as it is.
From COVID-19 to an Eating Disorder
It’s been two and a half years since Nichole caught COVID-19, and she still hasn’t regained her ability to taste or smell. Even with a diagnosis, the long-term virus side effects paired with chronic pain, have made it extremely hard to access validating and accommodating eating disorder treatment.
Sick Enough: Don’t Let Your Eating Disorder Dissuade You From Getting Help
Popularized by Dr. Gaudiani of the Gaudiani Clinic, “sick enough” is the idea that someone may have an eating disorder but not be perceived as thin enough, struggling enough, etc., and will not be taken seriously nor gain access to the care they need because of that. In this week’s blog, Tara Criscuolo shares her personal experience of not feeling “sick enough.”
One Bite at a Time: Navigating Sensory Issues and Healing from ARFID
Sensory issues often go hand-in-hand with disordered eating. Chris Sherman speaks to their struggle with ARFID and provides nine tips for navigating sensory issues.
Nourishing Yourself Without Counting Calories: A Gentle Nutrition Framework Inspired by Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating is not a diet but is often coopted by the wellness community. Rachel Naar, MS, RD, CDN provides five practical tips for nourishing yourself without counting calories.
Lack of Enough Male Representation in the Eating Disorder Field
Seye Akinyemi, an eating disorder practitioner and coach, delves into the reasons behind the lack of male representation in the eating disorder field, the consequences of the disparity, and provides suggestions for how to improve gender diversity.
How Reclaiming My Latin American Culture Helped Me Heal
Reclaiming and reconnecting to her identity as a Latina was a vital component of Isabel Vasquez’s recovery, and most of that work happened on her own after she completed treatment. She shares the harms of assimilation and how she found her way back to her Dominican Republic and Puerto Rican roots.
Personal reflections on eating disorder field leadership
Project HEAL’s CEO, Rebecca Eyre, offers her personal perspective on eating disorder field leadership, what’s happening at NEDA, and her commitment to ensuring Project HEAL lives up to its values.
Confronting My Own Internalized Anti-Fat Bias Was a Monumental Step in My Recovery
Being fat in this world is not for the faint of heart. Nia speaks to their journey of experiencing relentless anti-fat bias, internalizing it and beginning to perpetuate it, and then learning to fight back on behalf of their body.
Project HEAL would love to share any and all stories that are aligned with our mission, vision and/or values. If you have struggled with an eating disorder, have experienced and/or overcome barriers to accessing treatment, or are an ED provider and/or recovery advocate — we want to hear from you!
We are especially interested in sharing stories from voices often excluded from and/or underrepresented in the eating disorder recovery community. Submitting a blog proposal does not necessarily guarantee publishing — we reserve the right to respond with proposed edits (for your approval) or pass on publishing your proposed content.
Thank you in advance for wanting to share your story with us and our community!