Why Dani’s Garden Exists: Disordered Eating Treatment for Everyone


The Genesis of Dani’s Garden

Nineteen years ago, my life took an unexpected turn—a journey that would lead my husband and me to create something beautiful out of heartache. The early battles I faced with anorexia in my teenage years and as an active duty Marine, made the dream of expanding our family a challenging one, as my struggle with anorexia led to a prolonged battle with amenorrhea, complicating my ability to conceive. Despite these hurdles, we were graced with conceiving triplets after many years of loss.

In the midst of our happiness, my husband and I encountered heartbreak yet again. We lost one of our triplets in utero. Shortly thereafter, at just 26 weeks and one day, we welcomed Carl Alexander and Danielle LaFra’nce into the world. Born prematurely, they faced numerous challenges typical of micro preemies and they both struggled to process and break down food. This experience was a profound awakening for us, shifting our perception of food from an adversary to a vital source of life and health. Witnessing our children struggle with the fundamental act of nourishment was a profound and transformative experience. It was eye-opening to feeding difficulties, underdeveloped digestive systems, and more. However, seeing my own children fight to nourish their bodies was a stark realization that food is more than a daily requirement—it is medicine that fuels growth, healing, and survival.

The importance of food became magnified through this lens and underscored the critical role that nutrition plays in our lives. Dani’s time with our family was fleeing, lasting only five precious days, yet her impact was profound. Her brief journey inspired us to create Dani’s Garden—a place of healing, growth, and resilience. Dani’s Garden has become a metaphor for life’s fragility and strength. 

Sowing Seeds of Hope

In remembrance of Dani, we pledged to nurture hope in the hearts of those battling eating disorders and disordered eating worldwide. Our mission is to break the chains of eating disorders by confronting underlying issues such as trauma, body dysmorphia, health complications, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Dani’s Garden aspires to disrupt the cycle of eating disorders globally by addressing the roots of trauma and all potential catalysts for eating disorders.

Beyond the Garden’s Gages

Our experiences led us to work with others facing trauma and eating disorders. Teens, young adults, and the elderly—all seeking balance, healing, and understanding. Dani’s Garden became a metaphor for resilience, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, growth is possible. It symbolizes hope, nourishment, and the interconnectedness of life.

Dani’s Garden is not limited by diagnostic labels. We recognize that many struggle with disordered eating without fitting neatly into DSM categories. Dr. Nicole’ has seen firsthand the relationship with food can affect anyone at any time, and for those who seek a path from recovery to being fully recovered, Dani’s Garden offers solace. 

Imagine being in recovery from an eating disorder while simultaneously caring for a family member with a terminal illness. The weight of responsibility, the emotional rollercoaster—it’s a journey that many face silently. Their courage and vulnerability are awe-inspiring. At Dani’s Garden, we recognize their strength and offer a safe space for healing.

Dani’s Garden exists not only as a physical space but as a testament to love, loss, and the human spirit. It reminds us that from pain can emerge something beautiful—a legacy that transcends time. As we tend to the soil, we honor Dani’s memory and celebrate the resilience that resides within us all. Dani’s Garden stands as a beacon—a place where uniqueness is celebrated, where healing is not a destination but a continuous journey. We invite everyone to walk this path with us, tending to your mind, body, and spirit. Together, we honor Dani’s legacy and embrace our shared humanity for recovery. As a testament to how much we care, Dani’s Garden is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor to iaedp Heartland and a part of Project HEAL’s HEALers Circle.

Nicole’ Felton, Ph.D., CTC, CPC, CVDC

Dr. Nicole’ Felton (she/her) has a Ph.D. in counseling psychology and a master’s degree in human relations, she understands the intricate threads of human experience. She has worked as a therapist and supervisor at several eating disorder treatment facilities over the past twenty years. Supporting those at all levels of care. She has worked with Dementia and Alzheimer’s patients who struggle with memory loss and cognitive decline but continue to remember their past trauma and hear their eating disorder voice causing their health and maintenance to suffer greatly. She is the past president of IAEDP Fredericksburg, Virginia. She is a Certified Therapeutic Coach, a Certified Professional Coach, and a Certified Veterans Development Coach specializing in trauma and disordered eating. Her heart beats for those she guides.

As a professor of psychology at Park University, Dr. Nicole’, the CEO and founder of Dani’s Garden and the mother of Dani, Alex, and Quien imparts knowledge to eager minds. But her impact reaches beyond lecture halls. She is a published author, weaving words that resonate with those seeking solace. Her upcoming book, “Don’t Die Fat”, slated for release in November 2024, promises candid insights into the struggle of living and dying in recovery. Life has a way of surprising us. Dr. Nicole’ has had to care for a family member in recovery from anorexia who was triggered after getting a terminally ill diagnosis and currently facing her own battle with breast cancer, understands firsthand the triggers that can emerge at any point of emotional trauma. Her vulnerability becomes her strength, and through Dani’s Garden, she aims to illuminate the way for others on their path to healing. 


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